Download Camtasia Studio 9.0.1 Full Version adalah Software untuk screen capturing, elearning authors, content creators, video editing dan membagikan video yang dibuat melalui satu aplikasi. alat perekam layar monitor ini tidak merekam seperti kamera yang biasa kita gunakan, software ini harus kita install di computer Anda sehingga bisa digunkan untuk merekam video digital dengan kualitas audio yang cukup baik (bergantung mikrofon yang Anda gunakan). Camtasia juga bisa disesuaikan saat Anda mulai merekam layar monitor Anda, mau merekam seluruh layar monitor saja atau atau hanya area tertentu yang mau direkam.
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Silahkan Download Camtasia Dan Keygen nya dibawah jangan sampai ada yang kurang!!!
TechSmith Camtasia Studio 9.0.1 Full Version
What’s New In TechSmith Camtasia Studio 9.0.1 Full Version:
• New Behaviors as way to quickly animate images, video, or text
• New callouts
• New captions workflow
• New 64-bit engine for faster editing and encoding
• New default assets in asset library
• Drag and drop assets, effects, and more right to canvas
• Canvas editing
• Ability to share projects with Mac
• Color adjustments (brightness, contrast, saturation)
• Voice narration improvements
• Quizzing improvements
• Quizzing per question feedback
• Animated GIF support
• UI updates (more similarities with Mac)
System Requirements TechSmith Camtasia Studio 9.0.1 Full Version
• Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 (Required: 64 Bit versions only)
• 2.0 GHz CPU with dual-core processor minimum (Recommended: Quad-core i5 processor or better)
• 4 GB RAM minimum (Recommended: 8 GB or more)
• 2 GB of hard-disk space for program installation
• Display dimensions of 1024×768 or greater
• Microsoft .NET 4.6.0 or later version (included)
• Dedicated Windows-compatible sound card, microphone, and speakers (Recommended)
Baca Juga: Download Bandicam Terbaru Full Version
Link Download :
Camtasia Studio 9.0.1: Zippyshare | GDrive
Keygen Camtasia: Zippyshare
Download Alternative jika link yang diatas tidak bisa:
Camtasia Studio 9.0.1: Zippyshare2 | GDrive
Keygen Camtasia: Zippyshare2
Jika Ada Link Yang Rusak Atau File Terhapus silahkan laporkan melalui komentar.
Panduan Aktivasi Techsmith Camtasia Studio 9.0.1
1. Download setup dan keygen atau serial keynya diatas
2. Extract also file activation inside the folder.
o Go to Run and type text like this “notepad c: \ windows \ system \ drivers \ etc \ hosts” Then Click OK.
o Camtasia Studio Full3
o Later you will be taken to a notepad file. At the end of the notepad you add the following Entry:
o After that click Save to save it. And exit the notepad.
3. Install the program as usual.
4. Before the installation process is complete do not go first into the application.
5. Open the activation folder >> reg.
6. Copy the paste file in it to “C: \ Program Data \ TechSmith \ Camtasia Studio 9”.
7. Open folder activation >> keygen /
8. Run keygen by right click >> run as administrator and Fill in the free name according to your tast.
9. Then click keygen. Enter the Name and Serial contained in keygen to activate on your Camtasia Studio 8. Done
10. Enjoy
Catatan: Detail lokasi RegInfo.ini adalah C:\ProgramData\TechSmith\Camtasia Studio 9