Ask Cara Mengatasi Error Create Project Maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories" AdityaDees - AdityaDees


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29 October 2018

Ask Cara Mengatasi Error Create Project Maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories" AdityaDees

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"
Pada saat membuat project maven di Eclipse menggunakan artifak “maven-archetype-webapp”  kadang kita menemukan error yang bunyinya "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories" seperti ditunjukan pada gambar dibawah ini.

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

dan berikut detail errornya “Creating maven-archetype-webapp has encountered a problem”.

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

Untuk mengatasinya kamu dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut.

1. Menambahkan archetype-catalog di IDE kamu, download dulu filenya di bawah ini.
2. Kemudian kembali ke Eclipse, klik window -- Preferences

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

3. Klik menu Maven -- Archetypes -- Add Local Catalog

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

4. Browse file XML yang sudah di download (archetype-catalog.xml), klik OK

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

5. Pilih Apply and Close

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

Sekarang bisa dicoba ulang buat project maven-webapp lagi, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut.

1. Buat Project Maven seperti biasa

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

2. Klik Next

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

3. Klik Next

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

4. Klik Finish

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

5. Project Kamu berhasil dibuat

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

error maven "Could not resolve archetype from any of the configured repositories"

Sekian artikel kali ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.

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